Introduce K8S
Basic Concept
A physical machine. It is using to monitor and dispatch to each node to work. The master is the controller.
A node can be a virtual or physical machine. A node is a worker
- A pod is the smallest unit in K8S. A pod is a container of containers.
- A pod contains can container many containers.
- A pod is a process.
- Each pod has its own IP address.
- Each pod can communicate, but the communication has to go via kube-proxy.
- Pause is a root container in the pod.
- Pod should contain a complete module per container.
- You can use the analogy that each pod is a virtual machine.
- All the communication should go through the pause between it goes out the pod
Label is a description tag of a pod.Replication Controller
It is used to replicate, delete, add new pods. It monitors the system has enough pods between nodes.Service
Service is a logic group. Usually, the same services are put into the same pod. E.g Backend services are grouped into one pod and frontend services are grouped in another pod.
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